Dr Kylie Snook BMed (Hons) FRACS
Breast Surgery

Dr Kylie Snook
Clinical practice:
Surgical management of breast cancer including sentinel node biopsy, cancer excision with experience using oncoplastic techniques and mastectomy with reconstructive surgery.
Surgery for benign breast conditions, risk reducing breast surgery for high risk patients (gene carriers)
Hospital appointments (regular operating lists):
- Mater Hospital Sydney
- North Shore Private Hospital
- Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital (public)
Dr Kylie Snook is a specialist general surgeon subspecialising exclusively in breast surgery. She is based on the lower North Shore in Sydney, working in both the private and public sector exclusively treating patients with breast disease. Kylie manages around 200 patients with breast cancer/year with a multidisciplinary approach through the Mater Hospital, North Shore Private Hospital and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai hospital. Kylie is also a Visiting Medical Officer at BreastScreen NSW.
After gaining her Fellowship in General Surgery in 2006 with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) she spent two years in Guildford, UK as the Clinical Research Fellow in oncoplastic breast surgery. Here she gained post fellowship expertise in reconstructive and oncoplastic techniques in breast surgery and research experience particularly in sentinel node biopsy.
Dr Kylie Snook is a clinical senior lecturer at the University of Sydney Northern Clinical School. She is involved in teaching at all levels - medical students, junior medical officers, surgical registrars and breast surgery fellows. She has made numerous contributions of teaching resources for the Graduate Certificate in Breast Surgery offered through the University of Sydney. She is a member of Breast Cancer Trials and embeds research into her surgical practice by actively recruiting patients for local and international trials.
Dr Snook is Vice-President of BreastSurgANZ, the peak body for surgeons treating breast cancer, and is a member of the Post-Fellowship training committee. She is a member of the Australasian Society of Breast Disease and the Association of Breast Surgery (British Association of Surgical Oncology). She is the Head of Department for Breast & Endocrine Surgery at the Mater Hospital. She established the multidisciplinary team meeting for breast cancer at North Shore Private Hospital. Kylie was a part of Cancer Australia’s expert working group which produced “Guidance for treatment of early breast cancer” which was launched in October 2020.
Kylie has a holistic approach to patient care and emphasises her role as one of keeping patients well, rather than treating their illness. She is married with three kids of her own so has insight into the complex juggle that many patients face when incorporating their breast cancer diagnosis and treatment into their daily routine.
- Radio-isotope occult lesion localization (ROLL) techniques to identify the clipped node for targeted axillary dissection (TAD) in breast cancer Winder AA, Spillane AJ, Sood S, McKessar M, Cohn D, Snook K. ANZ J Surg. 2022 Oct 19. doi: 10.1111/ans.18079. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36262092
- Breast Radiotherapy after Oncoplastic Surgery-A Multidisciplinary Approach Metz G, Snook K, Sood S, Baron-Hay S, Spillane A, Lamoury G, Carroll S. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Mar 25;14(7):1685. doi: 10.3390/cancers14071685. PMID: 35406457 Free PMC article. Review.
- The role of breast reconstruction choice on body image patient-reported outcomes at four years post-mastectomy for breast cancer: A longitudinal prospective cohort study Dempsey K, Mathieu E, Brennan M, Snook K, Hoffman J, Campbell I, Scarlet J, Flay H, Wong AZH, Boyle F, King M, Spillane A. Psychooncology. 2022 Jan;31(1):54-61. doi: 10.1002/pon.5776. Epub 2021 Sep 8. PMID: 34498358
- Sentinel node occult lesion localization technique for impalpable breast cancer Hubley S, Barton R, Snook KL, Spillane A. ANZ J Surg. 2020 Dec;90(12):2510-2515. doi: 10.1111/ans.16402. Epub 2020 Oct 30. PMID: 33124171
- Chen J, Easwaralingam N, Warrier S, Ong A, Carson EK, Mak C, Snook K, Middleton K, Parker A, Palmieri C, Spillane A, Mann GB, Lim E, Segara D. Window of opportunity treatment in breast cancer. ANZ J Surg. 2020 Jan;90(1-2):34-40. doi: 10.1111/ans.15487. Epub 2019 Nov 26. PMID: 31770829 Review
- Wilsher M, Reddy J, McKessar M, Guminski A, Snook KL. Metachronous metaplastic carcinomas of breast arising in association with multiple intraduct papillomata, with eventual cardiopulmonary metastasis and death. Breast J. 2019 May 13. doi: 10.1111/tbj.13331. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.PMID: 31087410
- Zdenkowski N, Butow P, Spillane A, Douglas C, Snook K, Jones M, Oldmeadow C, Fewster S, Beckmore C, Boyle FM. Patient-reported outcomes with neoadjuvant vs adjuvant systemic therapy for operable breast cancer. Breast. 2019 Apr 20;46:25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2019.04.003. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31059987
- Oh DD, Flitcroft K, Brennan ME, Snook KL, Spillane AJ. Outcomes of breast reconstruction in older women: patterns of uptake and clinical outcomes in a large metropolitan practice. ANZ J Surg. 2019 Jun;89(6):706-711. doi: 10.1111/ans.15145. Epub 2019 Apr 29. PMID:31033164
- Azimi F, Flitcroft K, Mathieu E, Karantonis R, Snook K, Spillane AJ. Low-Level Laser Treatment Is Ineffective for Capsular Contracture: Results of the LaTCon Randomized Controlled Trial. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Nov;142(5):621e-631e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000004826. PMID: 30511966 Clinical Trial.
- Oh DD, Flitcroft K, Brennan ME, Snook KL, Spillane AJ. Patient-reported outcomes of breast reconstruction in older women: Audit of a large metropolitan public/private practice in Sydney, Australia. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Nov;142(5):621e-631e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000004826. PMID: 30511966
- Zdenkowski N, Butow P, Spillane A, Douglas C, Snook K, Jones M, Oldmeadow C, Fewster S, Beckmore C, Boyle FM; Australia and New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group. Single-Arm Longitudinal Study to Evaluate a Decision Aid for Women Offered Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy for Operable Breast Cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2018 Apr;16(4):378-385. doi: 10.6004/jnccn.2017.7063. PMID: 29632057
- Winters ZE, Afzal M, Rutherford C, Holzner B, Rumpold G, da Costa Vieira RA, Hartup S, Flitcroft K, Bjelic-Radisic V, Oberguggenberger A, Panouilleres M, Mani M, Catanuto G, Douek M, Kokan J, Sinai P, King MT; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Group. International validation of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-BRECON23 quality-of-life questionnaire for women undergoing breast reconstruction. Br J Surg. 2018 Feb;105(3):209-222. doi: 10.1002/bjs.10656. Epub 2017 Nov 8. PMID: 29116657
- Brennan ME, McKessar M, Snook K, Burgess I, Spillane AJ. Impact of selective use of breast MRI on surgical decision-making in women with newly diagnosed operable breast cancer. The Breast 2017;32:135-43. Abstract
- Brennan ME, Flitcroft K, Warrier S, Snook K, Spillane AJ. Immediate expander/implant breast reconstruction followed by post-mastectomy radiotherapy for breast cancer: Aesthetic, surgical, satisfaction and quality of life outcomes in women with high-risk breast cancer. The Breast 2016;30:59–65. Abstract
- Flitcroft K, Brennan M, Costa D, Wong A, Snook K and Spillane A. An evaluation of factors affecting preference for immediate, delayed or no breast reconstruction in women with high-risk breast cancer. 2016;Psycho-oncology in press; doi: 10.1002/pon.4087.
- Read R, Flitcroft K, Snook K, Boyle F, Spillane A. The utility of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of operable breast cancer. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2015;85(5):315-20. Abstract
- Wilsher M, Snook KL. Endosalpingiosis in an axillary lymph node with synchronous micro-metastatic mammary carcinoma. Pathology. 2014 Dec;46(7):665-7.
- Brennan ME, Spillane A, Flitcroft K, Snook K, Wong A. Platinum multidisciplinary breast cancer care or platinum breast reconstruction? ANZJS 2014;84(9):604-605. Journal
- Snook KL, Spillane AJ. Intraoperative molecular sentinel node analysis: the way of the future or great technology with limited indication? ANZ Journal of Surgery;84(10):699-700. Journal
- Wong A, Snook K, Brennan M, Flitcroft K,Tucker M, Hiercz D, Spillane A. Increasing breast reconstruction rates by offering more women a choice. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2014; 84: 31–36. Abstract
- Wilsher MJ, Snook K. Bilateral, multicentric low-grade adenosquamous carcinomas of the breast, each arising within a separate radial scar/complex sclerosing lesion. Pathology 2014; 46(1):85-8. Journal
- Noushi F, Spillane AJ, Uren RF, Cooper R, Allwright S, Snook KL, Gillet D, Pearce AM, Gebski V. High discordance rates between sub-areolar and peri-tumoural breast lymphoscintigraphy. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Oct;39(10):1053-60. Abstract Abstract
- Read RL, Bambach CP, Snook KL. A rotation flap restores volume after inferomedial breast cancer excision. ANZ J Surg 2013; 83 (7-8): 595-6. Journal
- Gifford AJ, Colebatch AJ, Litkouhi S, Hersch F, Warzecha W, Snook K, Sywak M, Gill AJ. Remote frozen section examination of breast sentinel lymph nodes by telepathology. ANZ J Surg. 2012 Nov;82(11):803-8
- Snook KL , Layer GT, Jackson PA, de Vries CS, Shousha S, Sinnett HD, Nigar E, Singhal H, Chia Y, Cunnick G, Kissin MW; OSNA Study Group. Multicentre evaluation of intraoperative molecular analysis of sentinel lymph nodes in breast carcinoma. Br J Surg. 2011 Apr;98(4):527-35
- Mullan M, Snook KL, Taylor C. Ultrasound of the Breast. BMJ (2009) Free article
- Snook KL , Stalberg PLH, Sidhu SB, Sywak MS, Edhouse P, Delbridge LW. Recurrence after Total Thyroidectomy for Benign Multinodular Goitre. World Journal of Surgery (2007); 31(3): 593-598.
- Sywak MS, Palazzo FF, Yeh M, Wilkinson M, Snook KL, Sidhu SB, Delbridge LW. Parathyroid hormone assay predicts hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy. ANZ J Surg (2007); 77(8): 667-670.
- Snook KL , Ritchie JD. Carcinoma of Esophagus after adjustable gastric banding. Obesity Surgery (2003); 13: 800-802.
- Barakate MS, Snook KL, Morgan MK, Pik J, Harrington TJ, Sorby W. Angioplasty and stenting in the posterior cerebral circulation. Journal of Endovascular Therapy (2001); 8(6): 558-65